Prominend Muesli
Maximum growth performance
Prominend Muesli is an excellent quality dry feed
based on high-grade ingredients which meet the
nutritional requirements of the newly weaned
calf. Some Prominend milk is added to the muesli
to ensure the same smell and taste perception as
Prominend milkreplacers, which encourages
the intake. In addition, the high protein quality
is largely responsible for promoting digestibility
and provides the calves with the extra nutrients, resulting in vital calves with high growth performance.
The muesli is fed ad libitum during or after the milk period. The muesli needs to be fed for at least four weeks before switching to another supplementary feed.

Prominend Concentrate
Stimulates continuous growth
Stimulates continuous growth
Prominend Concentrate is a high-quality pellet feed. The excellent taste stimulates good feed intake resulting in high growth. Prominend Concentrate can be provided in addition to the available roughage.
Prominend Concentrate can be provided unrestricted pre-weaning to achieve gradual growth. Prominend Concentrate is complementary to the available roughage.