Prominend Colostrum
Supplementary feed to replace or enrich colostrum
To give all calves an excellent start, sufficient good quality colostrum is essential. Prominend colostrum contains among other ingredients, natural colostrum to provice the calves with appropriate and adequate immunity.
Product features
- Guaranteed immunoglobulins
- IBR free
Product benefits
- Improves colostrum quality
- In case of colostrum deficiency

Prominend Dieet
Supports digestion
Used to normalize the intestinal function in the event of digestive disorders (diarrhoea). Use in suboptimal conditions e.g. feed changes, housing/rehousing. Or during recovery from digestive disturbance.
Product features
- Excellent solubility
- Can be provided within milk
Product benefits
- Recovery from digestive disturbance
- Normalizes the intestinal function

Prominend Electrolyte
Stabilizes water and electrolyte balance
Prevents dehydration and stabilizes the electrolyte balance. Added vitamins
contribute to immunity, viability and vitality. Very palatable and easy soluble.
Product features
- Palatable
- Good solubility
Product benefits
- Prevents dehydration
- Added vitamins